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Back Pain, Incapacity for Work and Social Security Benefits

An International Literature Review and Analysis

Gordon Waddell
Department for Work and Pensions, London, UK
Mansel Aylward
Department for Work and Pensions, London, UK
Philip Sawney
Department for Work and Pensions, London, UK

October 2002




ISBN 978-1-85315-542-0

Back pain is one of the most common reasons for chronic disability and incapacity for work in adults of working age and is a good example of current social security problems. This book provides a comprehensive review of the scientific and social security literature, and social security statistics on pack pain in various EU and OECD countries. This evidence is then integrated with a modern, biopsychosocial model of pain and disability to provide a factual and theoretical background to the debate on disability and incapacity benefits.

General Medicine

Gordon Waddell/Mansel Aylward/Philip Sawney