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Efficient Systems for General Practice Administration

Shaheen Hamid
Practice Manager, Chiswick, West London
Jeanne Davies
Consultant Practice Manager, Investors in People Advisor and training specialist

May 2003




ISBN 967-1-85315-565-9

Efficient Systems for General Practice Administration

This manual makes an important contribution to helping practices develop effective systems and procedures. The authors are both experienced practice managers and NVQ Assessors and their combined years of experience have enabled them to produce a user-friendly publication which is both practical and meets the needs of general practitioners and managers alike.

Written by two practice managers and published in a sturdy A4 binder, this guide takes the reader step-by-step through all the systems required for efficient general practice management. The publication includes standard forms which save time and avoid any re-inventions of the wheel. The whole work is supplied free to purchasers on CD-ROM, enabling practice managers to modify the forms very easily.


Part 1: Staff Recruitment; Health and Safety Provisions; Management System Support for NVQ Administration - Level 2
Part 2: Staff Induction; Performance Appraisal Systems to Support NVQ Administration - Unit 1
Part 3: All Protocols and Procedures Required by General Practice Today; Management System Support for NVQ Adminstration - Units 3 to 9
Part 4: Standard Forms to Support All the Systems Covered in the Publication

General Medicine

Shaheen Hamid/Jeanne Davies