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Standards for the Management of Open Fractures of the Lower Limb

Jagdeep Nanchahal
Durai Nayagam
Umraz Khan
Christopher Moran
Stephen Barrett
Frances Sanderson
Ian Pallister

September 2009




ISBN 978-1-85315-911-4

Standards for the Management of Open Fractures of the Lower Limb

Standards for the Management of Open Fractures of the Lower Limb details the optimal treatment for patients with these challenging injuries. Drawing on an extensive review of the published evidence and their personal experience, the authors set out each stage of the management pathway, including what to do if complications arise. Of relevance to pre-hospital, emergency room and hospital clinicians, each chapter contains key recommendations for the standards of care that should be delivered, with practical advice on how to achieve these and the evidence that supports them
Containing important new guidance for getting the best outcomes, the Standards are an essential reference for orthopaedic, plastic surgery, emergency medicine, and rehabilitation specialists who treat these injuries as well for those who plan and commission trauma care
Endorsed by the Councils of the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons and the British Orthopaedic Association, The Standards for the Management of Open Fractures of the Lower Limb replaces previous guidelines in the UK and will have worldwide relevance.

The authors are all practicing specialists in the UK with a particular interest in the evidence-based management of open fractures of the lower limb, from an orthopaedic, plastic surgery and infection control viewpoint.


Jagdeep Nanchahal/Durai Nayagam/Umraz Khan/Christopher Moran/Stephen Barrett/Frances Sanderson/Ian Pallister